All material contained within the Australian Caravan Park Reports pages is wholly copyright to me under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Any private individual can use the reports for their own non-commercial use when planning a caravanning trip. However, no part or design, including HTML code, can be replicated or redistributed in any form whatsoever, or used for monetary or personal gain whatsoever either directly or indirectly, including use in personal or commercial web pages, magazine, book, brochure, database or any other media without my express consent.
The information contained within the Australian Caravan Park Reports pages include the personal views of caravan park users, on the quality and services of certain caravan parks throughout Australia. Inclusion or non-inclusion of any caravan park herein does not infer that the caravan park is any better or worse than any other. I cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, and cannot accept liability for any loss incurred by such inclusion, error or omission, or from the content or use of information in these pages. It is humanly impossible for me to verify every fact submitted by other park users. I treat with the utmost urgency any factual errors in reports once they have been brought to my attention.
Caravan park operators please read the remaining but also click here.
Any prices quoted are an indication of the price available at the date of stay and will change over time. Always enquire of current tariffs at the time of booking.
Where a park is marked Dog Friendly Park (DFP) or not, always check with the park when booking. Parks change ownership and so can the pet rules. Most parks that allow pets will not allow pets in cabins - the DFP policy only pertains to the pet owners caravan/motor home/etc. There are parks that will allow pets at cabin accommodation - few and far between, but they exist.
I have no obligation to allow a report to remain if I feel that it is biased, defamatory, or is not a true reflection of a park's qualities. You must have a valid email address to be able to add reports, simply so that I can contact you in case of a query (the email address and any other personal data is NOT published). I am also wary of accepting reports for "one off" contributors where that solo report rates the park badly - surely the same contributor has stayed at other parks and found them ok - so why don't I get those reports? I don't want this website to become simply a place for someone to bag a park and not rightfully praise others.
Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the absolute privacy of all contributors is maintained. I do not include email addresses of contributors, in order to stop internet Spam programs from trawling for email addresses, and to allow a safe environment for contributors knowing that they remain "anonymous" to the public. There have been, and will be, instances where someone may wish to contact a contributor, and they can do this by firstly contacting me and I will provide a means of contact (either directly or indirectly) only with the express permission of the contributor.
I abide by the Spam Act 2003 (Cth). You will not get junk email from me. From time to time, maybe once a year, I may send an email to contributors to highlight a major change to the website, or to cull outdated email addresses from the system.
This website resides on a dedicated server through the courtesy of My Park List. The comments and content of this website are not those of My Park List.